Thursday, July 17, 2014

I don't understand racism or sexism at all.

      How is being born a certain color change anything? The only reason why it does is because we let it. You can say it's because of how black people act, but I know for a fact some white people act the way you're describing. Also I know there's a lot of black people that don't act that way. And when they don't act that way you say that they're trying to be white. What does that even mean? Black and white doesn't define how you act, that's how you were raised and where you were brought up. Sounds weird but if I dyed my skin brown, it wouldn't suddenly make me go 'sup dawg' or whatever lol. If you don't like the pants below the ass or people saying the 'N' word all the time, that's one thing. But, don't group all black people together. Or any race for that matter.
      Yes, I say black people and not African American. You know why? Because, I met a man that I called African American and he said "I'm black, but I'm not African American. I'm basin." He understood why I said that because I didn't know. But, just because he's black doesn't mean he's African American So, when someone says to me "Don't say black people! Say African American." I tell them what I just told you and they shut up.
      I also don't understand why you should treat someone different because they have a vagina or a penis. Yes, I do understand there is some biological differences. But, I mean when it comes to rights, payment, or the way we treat eachother. I'm not a feminist for a reason. They are very one sided. They want to be treated like a man only when it benefits them. But, when it comes to something that benefitted them before they wanted to be equal, they bitch about when they don't get it. Like a man paying for dinner. He shouldn't have to pay everytime because he's the man. If he wants to then that's cool, but he doesn't have to.
      Another thing I want to mention is the hitting. I don't believe in violence. It doesn't solve anything at all. But, if a man punches me in the face, I'm going to punch him back. Also if I punched him in the face, I deserved to be punched back. There's many situations where the girl starts a fight and the guy finishes it but he's the only one that gets arrested. You want to be treated equal, then treat men equal to you to.
      I understand Woman and Other races have been hurt in their rights in American (plus other countries) for a very long time. But, it didn't make sense in the past so why the fuck are we still acting that way?

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